Essential Kinesiology Techniques for Muscle Testing Practitioners


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by Terry Larder

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“Terry Larder is a truly knowledgeable and enthusiastic kinesiology practitioner and teacher. So, it is no surprise that she’s created such a detailed and comprehensive book, bringing together a lot of kinesiology knowledge into a practical and easily accessible reference work. Kinesiology practitioners and teachers will be referring to this definitive manual for many years to come.”
Jane Thurnell-Read
“Despite increasing popularity and media coverage, kinesiology remains a somewhat arcane subject and undervalued therapy, with few books available to illuminate its inner workings ……(Terry’s) valuable insights in the form of this delightful monograph are particularly welcome. This is undoubtedly a remarkable resource that will be cherished for years to come by students and seasoned practitioners alike.”
Sherridan L. Stock BSc(Hons) CBiol FRSB FZS FRES Dip KA
“This book is the cornerstone for the training of new students who aspire to become professionals and is an excellent reference manual for any established kinesiologists who want to ensure that they are using techniques correctly.”
The Kinesiology Association (UK)


Essential Kinesiology Techniques for Muscle Testing Practitioners

By Terry Larder


Table of Contents


Section’s Overview




Start As You Mean To Go On

Why Muscle Response Testing Works

A Blueprint for Client Management

Finger Modes

Circuit Retaining Mode

Hand Modes – Quick Reference

Rules for Therapy Localisation, Circuit Locating and Challenge


  1. Electromagnetic Imbalances and Corrections
  2. Emotional Imbalances and Corrections
  3. Biochemical Imbalances and Corrections
  4. Structural Imbalances and Corrections
  5. General Imbalances and Corrections
    Quick Reference Tables


Electromagnetic Finger Mode Section

Electromagnetic Imbalances – The Start of Disease?

Short cut for testing if electromagnetic imbalances are online

Cloacal Reflexes



To Test if the Person’s Environment is Causing Them Stress

Blood Chemistry


Alarm Points


Chakras – Pre and Post Ganglionic Technique

Aura Leaks

Walking Gait

How to Reset the Biological Clock

Pitch Roll Yaw and Tilt


Emotional Finger Mode Section

Addressing Matters of the Mind

Verbal Challenges

Alarm Points and the Emotional Finger Mode

Techniques to Diffuse Negative Thoughts

Fundamental Conflict/Psychological Reversal

Eye Rotations

Temporal Tap

Dispelling Fears & Phobias


A Great Anchoring Technique

Emotional Bruising Technique

S.T.O. Technique

Summary of Addressing Matters of the Mind

Spondylogenic Reflex to the Diaphragm

Imbalances That May Occur Simultaneously


Biochemical Finger Mode Section

What Does it Mean When the Biochemical Finger Mode Shows?

Why Give Nutrition?

Nutritional Rewarding

Using Test Vials

Vitamins in Foods

Minerals in Foods

Ridler’s Reflexes

Digestive Insufficiency


30 Second Allergy Balance

Use the Alarm Points to Identify Organs/Systems that Need

Nutritional Support

Toxicity Talk

Liver Support

Liver and Thymus Tap connection

Kidney Support

Lung Support

The Colon

The Skin as an Eliminatory Organ

Extracellular Matrix

Heavy Metal Toxicity

How to Find and Address Heavy Metal Toxicity

Amalgam Removal

Candida Albicans

Candida Toxins

Addressing Candida Overgrowth

Immune System Weak

Leaky Gut

Beneficial Bacteria Deficiency

Microbiome Finger Mode

Intestinal Parasites

Understanding Insulin


Structural Finger Mode Section

Ileocaecal Valve (ICV) Syndrome

More on Peristalsis

Ileal Brake Challenge for Fats

Ileal Brake Challenge for Carbohydrates

Gastric-Colic Reflex

Balancing the Vagus Nerve

Chronic Valves

Sub Clinical Hiatal Hernia.

Lateral Atlas

Moving Bones

How to Find a Spinal Misalignment

Correcting a Spinal Misalignment

Moving a Vertebra Using its Lovett ‘Brother’

Correcting a Vertebra Using Sound

Fixations of the Vertebrae

Ligament Stretch

Spinal Torque

Dural Torque

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Masseter and Buccinator

Temporalis Muscles

Medial Pterygoids

Lateral Pterygoids

TMJ Protocol Summary

How to Check Dental Splints..

Ligament Interlink

Retrograde Lymphatics

Anterograde Lymphatics

Shock Absorber

Use the Alarm Points to Find Muscles Involved with a Lesion

Reactive Muscles

Correcting the Sacrum

Sacral and 5th Lumbar Fixation

Cranial Faults

Methods to Find and Correct Unspecified Cranial Faults

Sphenobasilar Compression Cranial Fault

Inferior Occiput

Universal Cranial/Occiput Fault

Sagittal Suture Cranial Fault

Temporo-sphenoid Line Fault (Pineal Gland Fault)

Jammed Intermaxillary and Palatomaxillary Sutures

Cranial Fault for Learning Disabilities

Jammed Symphysis Menti

Glabella Cranial Fault

Pituitary Gland Structural Fault

Temporal Bulge Cranial Fault

Parietal Descent

Pelvic Categories

Category I

Category II

Category III

Pelvic Categories Quick Reference

Uterine Lift and Functional Short Leg

Cystitis Technique
More on Muscles

Surrogate Muscles

Aerobic and Anaerobic Testing

Fix it in Motion

Sustained Testing

Bilateral Piriformis May Indicate a Jaw Problem

Bilateral Gluteus Maximus


General Section


Pulse Synchronisation

Injury Recall Technique

Testing the Endocrine System








Procedures for Assessing and Correcting the Endocrine System

How to Treat Endocrine Imbalances

Test for Adrenal Fatigue and Corrections That Don’t Last

Past Trauma Resolution

Beginning and End (B & E) Points

‘Changing the Fuse’ with B & E Points

Additional Pointers

B & E Points and Neurotransmitter Production

B & E Points as a Correction in its Own Right

GV 20 as a Master B & E Point (Deal)

B & E Points, Injury Recall Technique and Emotions

B & E Points for Reducing Pain

Lateral Sway

Peripheral Vision Technique

Vision – Far and Near Sightedness

Blood Pressure Balance

Universal Application of Sagittal Suture Spread and Tap

List of Protocols in Categories

List of Suggested Procedures

Additional information

Weight 2.25 lbs
Dimensions 11.75 × 9 × 1 in