Chakra Hologram 2 & 3


Instructor:  Ron Wayman

Prerequisite: Chakra Hologram 1


Chakra Hologram 2: Minor Chakras

This workshop is structured around 24 minor chakras for which imbalance states over the various planes of the aura are discussed. These chakras are energy centers related to sensory organs, body organs present and past such as that of the placenta, and joint structures of the limbs whilst the minor chakras of the head pertain to issues of suppression and life purpose. This course seeks to provide balancing techniques for the physiological aspects of the minor chakras along with their associated belief patterns.

This workshop provides students with:

  • Thorough definitions of each of the 24 minor chakras discussed including their functions on an energetic level, their associated belief patterns on each plane of the aura, the various states of imbalances and their characteristics, and the anatomy and physiology of related body parts;
  • Balancing techniques for 24 minor chakras as well as teaching of the Chi Formation technique;
  • In depth discussion on the connections between physiological structures of the body and clinical manifestations of imbalances in the associated energy centers of the minor chakras;
  • Strong focus on influences of the minor chakras on visual and auditory pathways, joint structure and functions and the lasting influence of the placental chakra.


Chakra Hologram 3:  Celestial Chakra Hologram

This course addresses the five outer-body chakras which influence deeply the spiritual development and self-awareness of a person. These chakras allow universal energy to flow into the 7 planes of the aura and soul and express an individual’s higher purpose in line with the divine. The aim of this course is to develop awareness and understanding of how karmic residues, archetypes, belief patterns and connection with both universal love and the Earth contribute to shaping one’s life experiences, soul realization and expression of higher self through creativity in this lifetime and in the soul’s greater journey. The nadi system and its interactions with the nervous system are explained and balancing techniques are offered for imbalances associated with the outer-body chakras.

This course provides students with:

  • Detailed explanations of the concepts surrounding the outer-body chakras, their functions and impacts on major life events, and the manifestations of their imbalances;
  • Specialized balancing techniques for the 5 outer-body chakras along with powerful innovative approaches to work with Kundalini, the nadi system for etheric repair and the other major and minor chakras;
  • Extensive information on the interconnectedness of the nervous and nadi systems and how universal energy proceeds to flow from the chakras to nervous pathways and into the whole body.