Hugo Tobar’s Brain Formatting


Instructor: Ron Wayman


Pre-Requisite: Principles of Kinesiology or equivalent


The Brain Formatting course introduces formatting, using hand and finger positions called mudras/modes, offering lecture, demonstrations and practice time.

The theory taught in the course includes: The treatment triangle, showing the relationship between psychology, subtle anatomy, and anatomy & physiology.

The course teaches how to prepare and include a complex stress pattern using the ‘jaw stacking’ or ‘pause lock’ mechanism and technique.

Included, is an introduction to the nervous system, including the enteric nervous system. It also includes the Applied Physiology/Neural Systems Kinesiology system of brain formatting.

The course includes several formats for many areas of the brain, making it a practical course for those who are ready to assist clients at a profound level.

Primary Formats for:

  • Cortex
  • Limbic
  • Diencephalon
  • Pons
  • Medulla
  • Brainstem
  • Midbrain
  • Spinal Cord

Course Highlights

  • The Treatment Triangle
  • Jaw Stacking/Pauselock
  • Introduction to the Enteric Nervous System
  • Formatting for the major areas of the brain
  • Spinal Cord and the Heart Brain
  • Human Energetics