HOW TO: Kinesiology? Relationships & Love


Teacher: Ranee Zeller
Released: September 19, 2018
Length: 30 hours
Level: Intermediate
Certificate: Finish lessons, and quizzes


Why are good relationships and love important? Whether you are looking for a relationship or seeking to improve existing relationships, kinesiology can help. When we feel stuck and confused in important relationships, this can be a big energy drain and also a source of a lot of potential stress and anxiety. Identifying these blockages to energy and understanding where they come from can be a huge step forward in creating positive, rewarding relationships.

What is this course? This course is designed to help you understand the different ways people relate to each other, and deal with important situations through life, death and love.

Who should do this? Kinesiologists who want to enhance skills while improving personal relationships.

What will I get out of this? You will learn the skills to be able to change yourself and the dynamic shifts in your relationships. Identify and clear old stress from the past, clear blocks preventing you from connecting deeply with yourself and others, and clear old patterns standing in your way from having positive, nurturing and uplifting interactions and relationships with those around you.

Practical notes: Bonus materials include pdfs on gift ideas for loved ones, information on dealing with grief, a life planner, and emotional and mental scan lists. Watch videos on the kinesiology session layout and how to muscle test.