HOW TO: Kinesiology? Physical Pain & Fitness


Teacher: Ranee Zeller
Released: September 19, 2018
Length: 58 hours
Level: Intermediate
Certificate: Finish lessons, and quizzes


What is physical pain and fitness? Physical fitness is pivotal to maintaining good health, with a wide range of other factors contributing to how well we are: food and our attitude to eating, our lifestyle habits, our home and work environments, the support people we have around us, our spiritual and mental health, and our short and long term goals in life.

What is this course? This course is designed as a compilation of the many modalities that contribute to good health, from personal training and fitness to general anatomical health of the organs, glands and muscles.

Who should do this? Kinesiologists who want to have that radiant glow of health and vitality, and be able to pass this on to clients.

What will I get out of this? You will expand your knowledge of anatomy and physiology, develop a healthy attitude to weight loss, increase energy levels, learn to deal with stress more effectively and learn to incorporate movement into your day.

You will dive deep into areas such as:

Eating: Choose healthy foods, keep a food diary, be ‘present’ while eating, become aware of where your food comes from, and more.
Lifestyle: Be open to doing new things, change to healthy daily routines, limit sedentary time, and take responsibility for your work, rest and play.
Environment: Learn to create healthy work and home environments.
Support system: Surround yourself with people who support your efforts.
Spiritual and mental health: Gain movement walking your path.
Goals: Set many small and realistic goals so you are constantly achieving targets.
Failure: Learn how to manage life when you don’t hit goals. Be willing to be persistent.

Practical notes: Materials include client evaluations, mental and emotional scan lists, and charts on spirituality, reflexology, iridology and cranial receptors.

Bonus material: Plus, watch videos on the kinesiology session layout and how to muscle test.