LEAP Environmental Factors

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LEAP Environmental Factors – (4 days)

Instructor:  Jacque Mooney

Four (4) Days of Enjoyable Learning to Understand & Balance the Primary Environmental Factors affecting your Brain Integration

Balancing the Environmental Factors causing Loss of Brain Integration!

Brain Integration is essential for any person to perform at their optimum, as loss of integrated brain function underlies all dysfunction both physical and psycho-emotional. In LEAP® Brain Integration 1 (or LEAP FT 1), the primary factors causing ongoing loss of Brain Integration were addressed – Deep Switching and Commissural blocks preventing Right – Left Hemispheric Integration. However, there are a number of Environmental Factors that may also cause the loss of Brain Integration, even in an otherwise well-integrated brain.

Thus, unless these Environmental Factors are detected and balanced, every time you are in the presence of any one of these factors, you will suffer some degree of loss of Brain Integration. With factors like Candida and Vaccination stresses, this loss of Brain Integration may be ongoing, compromising your optimum function much of the time. Other factors like specific allergens or dehydration will cause loss of Brain Integration on a more situational basis, but may still be important for optimum function.

Each Environmental Factor is first described and discussed from the physiological perspective of what it is, and how it affects brain function. This is then followed by in-depth procedures to balance these factors, allowing you to now be in the presence of these factors and maintain your full Brain Integration.

What You Will Learn:

  • How Diet & Nutritional Status Affects Behaviour & BI.
  • How to Assess and Correct Primary Dehydration affecting BI.
  • How to Assess and Correct “Hidden” Dehydration affecting BI.
  • How to Assess and Correct Electromagnetic Factors Affecting BI.
  • How to Assess and Correct Allergies & Sensitivities Affecting BI.
  • How to Assess and Correct Vaccination Stress Affecting BI.
  • How to Assess and Correct Candida Affecting BI.
  • How to Assess and Correct Geopathic Factors Affecting BI.
  • How to Assess and Correct Extraneous Factors Affecting BI.

Balancing these important Environmental Factors often changes people’s lives! The workshop is worth it just for the very successful Candida Balance alone.

Note: The workshop requires Dr. Krebs’s latest book – Nutrition for the Brain – Feeding your Brain for Optimum Mental Performance. This book will be used as one of the textbooks for the Diet and Nutritional section of the course.